Here's what I think: Direct TV what did you do with my HGTV!

I have the most basic package of Direct TV available and let me tell you it's not great - I have two Disney Channels and Nickelodeons but no SoapNet if that tells you anything. One of the channels that I've come to watch a LOT of over the past several months is HGTV. I could watch it all day every day, for real. But this week is the final episode of  Design Star which I've been watching every Tuesday night for months and Direct TV has had a little glitch and instead of airing any HGTV shows it has trailers for movies available on pay per view (which I don't have access to and so the trailers are of no good to me). This is unacceptable! Boo Direct TV, boo. I'm not happy.

Here's what I think: Some of Emma Stone's best hair and make up moments!

Emma Stone is too hot to handle right now! With the release of The Amazing Spiderman, and numerous other movies she has done in the the past year, let alone the Cover Girl commericals, magazine covers, red carpets... the list goes on an on; she and her fresh face have become a household name! Her fair complexion makes it easy for her to seamlessly transition from her natural blonde locks to her trademark red; and she knows exactly how to compliment each with her styling. Here are a few of my favorite looks she has done:

For her role as Gwen Stacy in this summer's The Amazing Spiderman, Emma ditched the red hair color we were all so used to for this cool natural beige blonde. These full bangs and half back style, play up the dramatic eyeliner while she keeps the rest of her look very sweet and natural.

Classic and striking, this is the Emma Stone we all fell in love with. I love a red lip and emerald earring on a fair skinned ginger!

This one might be my favorite. While I really love her with red hair, this coloring is so beautiful on her. The peach dress and light hair with minimal shimmery make up makes her look so healthy and fresh!

Emma has really come in to her own over the past couple years, I have loved watching her style evolve and am always excited to see what she does next!

Here's what I think: The Bachelorette makes me cry

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't watched last night's episode, probably don't want to hear this yet. And I have a lot to say!

This season of The Bachelorette has been so emotional. At the beginning of the season I was a little wary. I wasn't sure Emily had a big enough personality but I'm so happy to have watched her come out of her shell and put everything she has in to the process of finding her husband. That being said, I'm getting really anxious watching the previews for the upcoming weeks!

Emily has two really great guys left and I think she has done a great job of asking tough questions, being realistic and following her instincts, I hope more than anything that she finds someone in the end to continue a relationship with. It would be perfectly understandable if at the end of all this she isn't ready to get engaged. Even if you truly believe you're going to be together forever, marriage is a big commitment and not something to be entered in to lightly. An engagement is a promise of marriage, so personally, I wouldn't be at all upset if she decides to date her choice in the end a while longer before making that promise. The sneak peak leading up to the final episode, which will air Sunday, July 22nd, made me so uncomfortable because it made it seem like she could walk away from both of them and I really hope that doesn't happen. It would be so sad for her to have come so far and have these two great guys, both of whom obviously love her, and to just give all that up and have to start from scratch. It makes me so sad just thinking about it!

I feel like I'm pretty even keeled, I'm cynical about some things and not overly romantic, but I believe that if Emily chooses either Jef or Arie that she has every chance of creating a loving marriage. I don't always feel that way about these shows (Ben & Courtney come to mind - what's happening with them anyway?). I really want to talk about the two guys that Emily has left but first let's talk a little about this week and Sean leaving.

Emily was right, she had three amazing dates this week. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes at that rose ceremony. I was really sad to see Sean go. I felt like they had a really great beginning to a relationship. She seemed so happy to be with him and was so excited when he told her he loved her. That letter that he wrote to Ricki might be the most precious thing I've ever seen on The Bachelorette. It  was so heartfelt and I could tell he put a lot of thought in to the prospect of becoming her step father. Sean's departure was heart-breaking. I felt so bad for Emily because she was so emotional about letting him go. I even worse for Sean thinking about how he was so sure she was going to be his wife. I might be a little partial because Sean was my favorite and if I were the bachelorette there's no way he would have left. But Emily had a hard choice to make, all three of these guys are great and she'll be lucky with any one of them.

Who do I think Emily will end up with (assuming it's anyone at all)? Probably Arie. I think Jef is a great fit for her and I was excited to hear her say that when she pictured her every day life and who fit in it with her and Ricki that it was Jef. However; I think her connection to Arie has been so strong this whole time and when she said he was her "light at the end of the tunnel" since their first date, I was pretty sure he had it in the bag. I don't agree with all the talk out there that says Arie is a player and that she shouldn't pick him. It seems like they do have a real connection and that if she chooses to pursue a relationship with him they would be a nice fit. Even so, I hope she surprises us and picks Jef. They seem more real to me and like they both said on last night's show he get's her.

I'm really impressed by the quality of people on this season of The Bachelorette. Not just with Emily but with the guys. If she follows her heart and has a little faith, I think she and whomever she picks to move forward with will be very happy.

I can't wait for the "Men Tell All" next week and I'm especially looking forward to the final episode and "After the Final Rose" on July 22nd! There's light at the end of this tunnel but not with out a little drama!

Here's what I think: What up ABC Family?

What a great weekend! I've just been enjoying, as I always do, the Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family and as a result have seen about a million commercials featuring the ABC Family original TV shows. Even though I love commercials (seriously, I was an advertising major and I LOVE commercials), I have to admit that it took me several viewings of these ads to pay attention to what some of these shows are about. After processing it I asked my self "What up ABC Family?"

The new show "Baby Daddy" has me a little concerned. While it looks light hearted and funny, I can't help but think it is sending a really disturbing message to the youth of America. I'm not naive. In fact I come from a "non-traditional" family myself, with four loving parents who miraculously all get along like good friends. I've only seen the commercials, and haven't watched the show. However, from what I can tell, it looks like it glorifies un-married (not even dating) parents. I might be off base and maybe I'll try to watch an episode to verify my concerns. If you ask me, the portrait of a single man who becomes the "baby daddy" for someone doesn't seem like a positive family message for young people.

This on top of shows like "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" which is basically a show about a bunch of teens who think it's okay to get knocked up and then have a "pretend" marriage is a strange direction for a family oriented network. I know ABC Family likes to promote it's shows with the tag line "A new kind of family" but shouldn't it be concerned with the kind of message it's putting out there for the young target market that watches these shows?

All that being said, I do love ABC Family and will continue to watch, especially during a good long Harry Potter Weekend!