Here's what I think: Becoming Famous

For Christmas a friend of mine received the book How to Be Famous by Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt (of The Hills and various other happenings that I'm sure you can find out about on TMZ or Wonderwall). The book was intended as a "gag" gift but in good fun she read it and happily passed it on to me to spread the word about becoming famous. Okay, to be honest it's really just a guilty pleasure and moderately entertaining; but it was short enough for me to read in one night and I have to say as much as you may dislike Spencer and Heidi, aka Speidi, they sure know what they are talking about!

The overwhelming theme of this book is creating a character and sticking to it, as well as making yourself as visible as possible. Think about it, this is completely dead on! They are famous for nothing and you can't turn on E!News or TMZ or open an US Weekly without seeing a picture of Spencer with his villainous flesh colored beard and Heidi with her ever changing face and body glued to his side. So in the spirit of extending their fame (since that is clearly their expertise and goal in life) here I am compelled to blog from Iowa about Speidi and How to Be Famous!

I don't delude myself into thinking the reach of this blog is more than about 20 people, but congratulations Speidi we're talking about you, you've obviously done something right. And for everyone else out there, if you're looking for an entertaining quick read go pick up a copy of How to Be Famous - I guarantee you will be surprised to find that Heidi and Spencer aren't as dumb as they look no matter how much we'd all like to think so!

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